But Seriously, What is the Definition of Love?

Evan Forester —  July 9, 2012

Love is an extremely popular word. We find it all throughout Scripture and Culture. God commands us to love Him, love people, and even love our enemies. Culture writes songs about how important love is, makes millions of dollars from love stories in movies and books, and social movements are created because people want more love in the world.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons – doug8888

But in all seriousness, how many of us actually know what love is? We know it is good, we know we want it, but what the heck is it?

Today we answer this question, once and for all. I’ve got a guest blog post today on The Daily Retort, and the entire post is devoted to giving a simple, but clear and applicable, definition of love. Read the full post HERE.

“The Daily Retort” is written by Tor Constantino, an excellent writer/ex-journalist who has published a great book and written for all sorts of important people. After checking out the guest post, I highly recommend you check out some of his other work.

If you are here visiting from Tor’s blog, welcome to #LiveFully! I hope you’ll look around and find some content that is beneficial to you. Our vision is to unite a global community that believes following Jesus is the most full life AND to positively change how followers of Jesus are perceived in mainstream cultures of the world. If you’re into that, we’d love for you to join our community by subscribing to the blog, following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.

Evan Forester

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This post was by Evan, an adventure enthusiast learning to #LiveFully in New Zealand. He now writes for Embracing Exile.

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  1. Why does God allow suffering? | #LiveFullyWhy does God allow suffering? - March 17, 2015

    […] a perfect world without pain and suffering. But He also desired for His people to love Him, and love is a choice. If mankind had no choice to love or reject God, then we could not truly love Him. Unfortunately, […]