Christianity for Every Square Inch of Life

Brian Burchik —  October 15, 2012

Theologian Abraham Kuyper said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, “Mine!” This quote communicates the heart of the #LiveFully conviction that “the redemption of Jesus transforms every area of personal life and positively impacts every channel of cultural life.”

To simply define “personal life” and “cultural life,” here are the 7 broad categories for each.  We believe the “full life” (John 10:10) that Jesus invites people into is an integrated spirituality that fills all seven areas of one’s personal life.  Then, together as a community, Christians are called to impact the 7 different channels of cultural life.

These 7 categories are displayed as a “dresser” (or at least my failed attempt at a dresser) because our lives often feel fragmented and disconnected like various drawers in a dresser.  Yet this holistic approach understands biblical spirituality not as just one of many drawers to manage but rather the dresser itself – a life with God that fills every area (or drawer) of life.

As Christians discover and live this kind of life, I believe they will begin to also gain clarity about their unique calling to impact the world in which they live.  The seven different channels of culture are not meant to be an all encompassing list of vocations and professions, but they provide a starting point for imagining where and how God is calling one to impact the world.

Rather than just viewing pastors and missionaries as the ones with really “spiritual” callings, this perspective validates all different kinds of professions as places for God’s people to shine and be the salt of the earth.  Whether it’s in the world of business, or government, or entertainment, we need passionate followers of Jesus that are creatively sharing Jesus as they use the gifts and passions God has given them.

As a student pastor, I am seeing the power of this holistic perspective because young people are finally connecting their spiritual life with their very own passions.  The Christian leaders of tomorrow need to start imagining now how they can be agents of redemption within the culture in the future.

What if church leaders were the ones that most championed the passions and gifts of its congregants?  What if the church was the sending place for people to impact culture rather than just a service for a weekly escape? I believe this is beginning to happen, and it will need to continue if we are going to adequately equip and empower the next generation to change the world in the name of Jesus. Let’s go! #LiveFully


Brian Burchik

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This post was by Brian, a leader seeking to know the "why" behind the "how"