How to Set Goals That Change Your Life

Brian Burchik —  January 9, 2013

Picture 28Isn’t there something hopeful about the start of a new year?  After the dust of the holidays settles, there’s a level of anticipation, with all sorts of goals, dreams, and resolutions that follow.  January seems to carry fresh opportunity, and many people step into proactive choices where before they felt stuck.

Although unsure why we view the transition from December to January with such optimism, I like it.  There is tremendous opportunity to make decisions toward living the most full life in Jesus.

My Goal Setting Experience

I want to share a process of goal-setting that I myself went through last year.  It was life-changing (seriously), which is why I share it with you.  Before giving you the specifics, it’s important to see the definition for “living fully” that it’s rooted in.

“Following Jesus in a way that transforms every area of personal life and impacts every channel of cultural life.”

This goal-setting process is focused on the seven areas of personal life, as visualized in this dresser. (If this is a new to you, I’d recommend reading Fragmented Life vs. Full Life, which explains in greater detail).

This process is two fold. The first step is imaginative, and the second step is practical.

Step #1: Imagine

Look at each of these seven areas of your life and ask the question, “What does redemption look like here?”  In your religious/devotional life, what does redemption look like? In your family, your job, your health, etc.  Really think about this, and jot down 2-3 sentences that captures your thoughts.  Here’s an example that I did last year.

What does redemption in “family” look like?

“I am intentionally and sacrificially committed to relationships with my wife, my daughter, and my extended family as demonstrated in consistent and creative engagement with them.”

This first step engages our imagination and opens our hearts and minds to consider the kind of person we desire to become.  Rooted with biblical conviction, we dream a bit.

Step #2: Get Practical

Write out 2-3 practical goals that will contribute to this vision for redemption.  This is where you need to get practical, and the goals must be realistic and measurable.  If there’s no way to measure it, then you’ve not committed to transformation like you should.

Here are the goals I made in correlation with the “family” area of my life last year…

– Take my wife, Erin, on a date every Thursday night starting at 5:30 p.m.

– Do Family Fun night every Friday starting at 5:30 p.m.

– Take Amyra on a “Daddy date” every Wednesday at 5pm while Erin is working.

I don’t share those to seem like “Husband of the year.”  Frankly, if you asked Erin how well I did she’d let you know I was far from perfect. However, the point is not perfection.  It’s about making intentional efforts in line with the redemptive desires God has put in you.

If you walk through these 2 steps with each area of personal life, you can complete the goal-setting process in just 7 days! Invite friends to join you and hold each other to the goals you make. Let’s dream with God and then take the necessary steps and disciplines to move forward. #LiveFully

What does redemption in these various areas look like? What are you going to do about it? 

Brian Burchik

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This post was by Brian, a leader seeking to know the "why" behind the "how"

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  1. Adventure is Out There! But You Have to Go and Find it - January 14, 2013

    […] Set goals: If you aren’t intentional, you’ll struggle to find adventure. Look ahead on your […]