Is Your Spirituality like iCloud or Old School MP3?

Brian Burchik —  March 26, 2012

For some, Christian spirituality is just another haphazardly managed part of life that happens on Sundays, but also on Wednesdays if you are real committed. For others, spiritual life is holistic and transformational to every area of life.

For some, Christianity only validates a few jobs as spiritual. For others, it validates work  from every cultural sphere as opportunity to creatively advance the Kingdom of God.

For some, spiritual life is like an old school MP3 player that only has one mode.  Its focus is narrow and cannot be integrated with other different functions.  This kind of spirituality does not connect with the majority of everyday  issues, and often fails to translate into practical living.

For others, spiritual life is like the iCloud, which connects and integrates with all of your devices at any given moment.  This spirituality fills every area of life and leads to a unified existence, not a divided one. Instead of compartmentalizing, it connects everything under one powerful reality-life with God.

This unified life is what people long for.  Many companies and organizations have recognized this and are tapping into this desire in their advertising and marketing.  For instance, Atlanta radio station Star 94 has brilliantly named their campaign “Win Your Life Back.”

They integrate hints for parenting and marriage into the hours of music.  In between songs, they offer (questionably) funny thoughts that refer to common feelings parents have as they deal with their kids.  Star94 figured out that the best way to win over people’s radio loyalty is to make it relate to their everyday life experience. Brilliant.

One of the major #LiveFully convictions is “the redemption of Jesus transforms every area of personal life and positively impacts every sphere of cultural life.”  We are reclaiming a holistic Christianity that transforms entire lives and entire cultures. We believe that there is not a single area of life where “God does not apply.”

We have talked to numerous followers of Jesus that are discovering more how their spirituality spills over into everyday life.  Many people are experiencing God in the midst of  relationships, school, work, and the pursuit of personal passions. They are also sensing a calling from God to impact people in these various places.

So let me ask – How have you begun to see your spiritual life positively influence other areas of your personal life? (i.e. family, work, finances, health, school,etc)

Share with us – let’s build this #LiveFully community together!

Brian Burchik

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This post was by Brian, a leader seeking to know the "why" behind the "how"