Welcome to #LiveFully

Hello, and thank you for visiting #LiveFully!

Now that you’re here, we’d love to give you a quick tour. In short, we’re an international community who want to live fully. That’s why we follow Jesus, we believe what he says in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Following Jesus is the greatest calling on Earth, and we’re constantly re-imaging this calling to apply it to our schools, places of work, communities, culture, and beyond. Life with Jesus isn’t simply about attending church 2-4 times a month or being nice, it should transform every aspect of our life and the lives of those around us.

If that interests you, then we encourage you to join #LiveFully. By entering your email below, you’ll receive all new blog content, for free, directly into your inbox. We’ll also send you exclusive goods like the first chapter of the #LiveFully book. 

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If you still aren’t convinced, then please take a bit of time to explore our site further. We suggest you start with our vision page, or take a look at some of our favorite blog posts from the past and learn more about what we believe:

Katy Perry and Restricting Christianity
#Story: Polio, Paralysis, and a Lifetime of Unconditional Love
The Dirty Truth About the Lies We Believe
Justin Bieber’s theory on the church
8 Epic Leadership Principles from Nehemiah

Still not convinced?! Then check out our vision video: