#Story: Evan Forester

Evan Forester —  June 21, 2012

Last week we introduced you to one of the writers for #LiveFully. Today, we’re introducing the other guy…

Random Facts:

1) I’ve been skydiving from 15,000 feet and bungee jumped from 130 feet. The bungee jump was much scarier.

2) My favorite tv show is LOST. I believe in its goodness all the way through to the end.

3) My wife is one of the funniest and hardest working people alive. She’s also a babe!

4) My favorite Superhero is obviously Batman, but if I had to be a superhero I would choose Spiderman’s powers.

5) Lord of the Rings is the best story/book/movie ever. This is not my opinion, it is science.

What part of culture do you seek to impact? Continue Reading…

Dear Justin,

The desire to write this letter was birthed months ago, as I joined millions in watching your movie “Never Say Never.”  I was inspired in ways that honestly I just wasn’t expecting.

After watching, it was obvious to me that God has entrusted you with the metaphorical 10 talents of which the Bible speaks.  Not 1, not 2, not 5.  You possess raw musical talent like few we’ve ever seen, along with the charismatic personality and competitive drive to maximize it.  You got the 10, and you are not burying it.  This is why so many are deeply inspired after watching your film.

Your relationship with God is authentic, and I BELIEVE He is proud of the way you have used your influence thus far to serve people and make a difference in the world.  I am sure that you have encountered some religious people that are not quite as optimistic as I am, and many completely against the music you are making. Continue Reading…

3My name is Brian Burchik, and here are a few things about me:

Favorite music: typically I dig the poppy stuff, which is somewhat embarrassing but it’s the truth

Favorite car: 2000 Honda Odyssey Mini-van (its got 14 cup holders, need I say more)

Favorite T.V. show: currently it’s a tie between The Voice and Parenthood

Random facts:

-My wife is one of the best leaders that I know.

-My daughter is a future Olympian. Not sure which sport, but that will be revealed as she gets older. I’m thinking gymnastics.

-I consistently buy pants that are too big around the waist. Apparently it’s still good to leave room to grow.

What area of culture do you seek to impact?

As a pastor, I believe that I can indirectly impact many areas of culture by helping young people to discover the passions and gifts God has given them, as well as challenging them to use those God-given passions to contribute in the world.

Why started #LiveFully?

I had a deep sense that God wanted me to start this blog, as well as to write a book with the same title. Of all places, I was sitting in a truck at a mattress store when I sensed God speaking to me about starting this #LiveFully project.

Aside from this moment, there are two main convictions that compel the ideas and efforts of #LiveFully blog…

1. Christianity casts the most compelling vision for life (by far), greater than any possible alternative one could embrace. Yet, I think the vision of the Christian subculture often falls way short of what the Bible actually teaches and promises.

2. Following Jesus is the fullest (aka best) way to live on the earth. Sadly, I believe many Christians struggle to believe this and do not expect to have lives that would cause others to ask them about the reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15). I long to see followers of Jesus live FULL of passion and purpose.

Thanks to all who have joined with us in building this community. This project is just a small part of a much greater work of God that is inspiring Christians all over the world to let their “good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise” our heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:16)  #LiveFully


When Jesus calls his followers the “salt of the earth,” one implication is that they are to be the flavor that brings bland living to life.  Christians are supposed to live the most attractive lives and carry the most joy, regardless of their circumstance.

We should throw the best parties, hold the greatest traditions, and have the healthiest families.  Our marriages should thrive, growing more intimate as time goes by.  Our friendships should be the most authentic and meaningful.

Followers of Christ should have lives that others want, and I don’t just mean other Christians. People who do not know Christ should be attracted to the depth and richness of the lives we live.  According to Jesus, they should even start to praise our Heavenly Father as they watch us live our lives (Matthew 5:16).  This is one aspect of what it means to be the salt – the savoring quality of life on the earth today. Continue Reading…

Movies have a tremendous impact on our culture. Stories can touch us in deeper ways than we realize, and the messages of those stories are often implanted into our hearts and minds. While many Hollywood Films do not contain messages that will add to the full life, there are many others that do.

One incredible way to engage with culture is identify the movies that we all love and identify strong spiritual messages in the film. If you keep your eyes open, you might be surprised at what you start to notice. The themes of God’s Word have tremendous appeal, and so they are frequently found in stories.

Here are 3 great examples from some timeless classics:

1) “Remember Who You Are” – The Lion King

Many of our insecurities in life would be taken care of if we remembered who we are. We are sons and daughters of the one true King! He lives in us, and therefore, we have tremendous value. We should never feel insignificant, incapable, or restricted because of our guilt. No matter what has happened in our past, God loves us for who we are and still desires to call us His children. We can go to Him no matter what.

2) “There’s Some Good in This World” – The Two Towers

This is my favorite speech in movie history. All of us know the feeling Frodo has in the beginning of this clip. “I can’t do this! It has gotten to hard!” The world can be a dark and difficult place sometimes, but Sam reminds us that there is always hope. We can persevere through anything, because we have something to hold on to and in the end, a new day will dawn. I love that he is willing to fight for the good in the world, but as believers in Christ we have something even greater. Jesus is the author of all good things, and he offers full life to those who persevere.

3) “You Already Have” – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars is full of spiritual themes from different religions. The ones that resonate the most with us, however, are the ones we find in Scripture. Hope, redemption, victory of the unlikely hero, and more. In this scene, we see the final moment of the series’ main character. In the 6 films, we see the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of Anakin Skywalker. This scene is an important reminder that no matter how much you have sinned, you can still be saved. Christ’s death covers all of our sins, and therefore we never have to say, “I’ve done too many bad things to be accepted by him.” King David, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzer, Saul/Paul, and many other Biblical figures demonstrate this truth.

What’s missing? There are countless other movie scenes that illustrate key ideas from the Word. What are they?

Brian Burchik, founder of #LiveFully project, shares about Christians’ calling to be salt and light of the earth, and specifically how easily we can drift from that call and settle for living in a subculture away from the world. You can listen to the entire message given at Grace Church entitled “What does God adopt us into?” here.

#LiveFully is all about celebrating followers of Jesus impacting (not escaping) culture.  Today we want to feature three musical artists that are doing just that by making great music full of truth about life and God.  In no particular order, here are three CD’s we can’t get enough of right now by three artists (or bands) that are integrating their love for Jesus in mainstream music industry.

   Owl CityAll Things Bright and Beautiful

The musical artist behind Owl City is named Adam Young, and he is a devoted follower of Jesus committed to creating good art in the name of Jesus.  If you would like to hear more about how his faith in Jesus inspires his music, I’d HIGHLY recommend reading his interview w/ Christian Post here.

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Picture in your head the clothes dresser in your room. How many drawers does it have? Are they all closed? (if so, pat yourself on the back, you’ve accomplished something I have never been able to do).

Now that you have your dresser in mind, I want to suggest that our lives are a lot like a dresser.  By this I mean there are many fragmented parts (drawers) of our life, and they get stacked up on each other. We have the “Family” drawer, and here we act a certain way, have certain responsibilities, and spend a great deal of time. We have a “Friends” drawer, and we relate to these people in different ways than you relate to your family, and you act a bit different as well.

If you are a student, then there is a “School drawer,” or if you are a worker than you have the “Work drawer.”  Then, depending on what you love to do, you may have a “Sports drawer,” or “Music drawer,” or “Photography drawer.”

Additionally, there is perhaps some type of “Health drawer,”  some kind of “Finances drawer,” and finally, there is your “Religion drawer.” Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or athiest, everyone has a religion drawer because everyone has their own answers to the big questions of life, as well as ways they act in response. Continue Reading…

I am not a huge video game player, but every once in a while a game comes along that costs me a considerable amount of time. Zelda is a consistent favorite of mine, I vividly remember skipping class in college one day because I knew the Lylat system was in danger and I had to help Star Fox save the day, and who knows how many hours I spent on Star Wars games.

Ok, so maybe I can be a bit of a video game nerd, but I am not the only one!

In 2009, video games brought in $10.5 Billion dollars. That’s a lot of people spending a lot of money on something most people consider a waste of time. Continue Reading…

#Story – Jason Yost

Brian Burchik —  May 23, 2012

Today we’d like you to meet Jason Yost.  Jason is a gifted musician, worship leader, and founder of the New Rhythm Project, which is a non-profit organization that works to educate, communicate, and facilitate local communities to care for orphans and vulnerable children across the globe.  Check out how following Jesus compels his efforts in the world of adoption.

#LF-  If someone wanted to make a difference in your sphere of influence, what would you tell them?

Simply begin to do what the Bible explains for us to do. Don’t over-complicate things. If the Bible says that the “perfect religion” is one that cares for orphans and widows then we had better focus attention on caring for the orphans and widows. Finding the will of God for your life can be much simpler than you think.  Start with what the Bible says and you will be amazed at how much difference you will make. Continue Reading…