Archives For suffering

#Stories: Paige Knudsen

Evan Forester —  April 25, 2012

Today we would like you to meet Paige Knudsen. I first heard her story 2.5 years ago, and the wisdom and faith and hope in the Lord she demonstrated astounded me.

As we’ve said before, to #LiveFully does not mean everything goes perfect in your life. But it does mean that God is with us, both through the trials and the triumphs. There is peace that comes from His presence that transcends all understanding.

I don’t want to give away too much, but when Paige was pregnant with her third child, her husband was diagnosed with very aggressive cancer that took his life 9 months later. Through everything, she clung to God’s promises. Over the years, she has seen God’s provision in incredible ways and the story has a “happy ending,” but you would rather here the whole thing from her. Watch this:

My favorite line? Easy: “The same God that was with me and rejoiced with me on the day when I was a bride to Dan, was that exact same God that was with me and beside me when I was a widow at Greg’s graveside.”

So awesome. #LiveFully.

Paige has an excellent blog that you need to check out right here. It’s full of wisdom, great pictures, and “simple thoughts” that are surprisingly deep.