Archives For #stories

#Stories: Paige Knudsen

Evan Forester —  April 25, 2012

Today we would like you to meet Paige Knudsen. I first heard her story 2.5 years ago, and the wisdom and faith and hope in the Lord she demonstrated astounded me.

As we’ve said before, to #LiveFully does not mean everything goes perfect in your life. But it does mean that God is with us, both through the trials and the triumphs. There is peace that comes from His presence that transcends all understanding.

I don’t want to give away too much, but when Paige was pregnant with her third child, her husband was diagnosed with very aggressive cancer that took his life 9 months later. Through everything, she clung to God’s promises. Over the years, she has seen God’s provision in incredible ways and the story has a “happy ending,” but you would rather here the whole thing from her. Watch this:

My favorite line? Easy: “The same God that was with me and rejoiced with me on the day when I was a bride to Dan, was that exact same God that was with me and beside me when I was a widow at Greg’s graveside.”

So awesome. #LiveFully.

Paige has an excellent blog that you need to check out right here. It’s full of wisdom, great pictures, and “simple thoughts” that are surprisingly deep.

#Stories: Bryan Allain

Evan Forester —  April 18, 2012

Today we introduce you to Bryan Allain. The man is a blogging genius. First off, he has a hilarious humor blog that involves living with the Amish and great series like “Proof of my own idiocy” and the best “Caption Please” posts you’ve ever seen. Secondly, he has a blog writers training and community site called My Killer Tribes. There he helps people find their voice and build a “killer tribe” so that they can make a deeper difference in the world. Lastly, he wrote the funniest guide to blogging ever and you should read it.

Here is the audio from our interview, and you should definitely listen to it. But if you hate audio, you can read the highlights of what he said below:


Here at #LiveFully we talk about how important community is for making a difference. What is a “tribe” and how why is it so important? Continue Reading…

A few weeks before proposing to my wife, I skipped class at UGA to meet with her Dad over lunch at a local Chili’s. I wanted his blessing in marrying his daughter, and somehow convinced him I deserved it. During our conversation, however, he told me a story and gave me a challenge that will stick with me forever.

Paul and Marge on their way to some hot springs

My wife’s grandparents, Paul and Marge, were married in their late teens. Just a few years into marriage, Marge contracted polio. We don’t worry much about polio anymore, but back then it was a terrifying disease. She was put into isolation and spent significant time in an iron lung. As a result of polio, Marge would never walk again. Continue Reading…

Today is part 2 of our incredible interview with Jeff Goins. I’ve listened to it a few times, and every time it gets better. Seriously. If you missed part 1, find it here. Since we recorded using google+ and screen capture, the video quality obviously isn’t state of the art. So, if you just want the audio, you can download the entire podcast here (right click to download it). Like yesterday, you can read his interview the end of this post.

This stuff is gold I tell you! Gold! Remember, don’t forget to check out Jeff Goins at his blog or his twitterContinue Reading…

If you have an ounce of creativity, this interview is for you. Even if you don’t, you’ll still find reasons to love this guy. Today we have the honor of interviewing Jeff Goins. He is an amazing writer with a lot of influence, and even has a new book coming out in August. You can find all of his great writing advice and check out his e-books on his website

The stuff Jeff has to offer here is gold. We tried to edit it down, but there is too much good stuff! So we’ve split the interview up into two parts, and there are three different ways you can digest it.

First, we have the video recording of our google+ hangout. Second, we transcribed the interview if you prefer reading to watching a video. Third, tomorrow, when we post part 2, we will also include a downloadable audio file so you can listen in the car or on a run or wherever you want.

And now, if you prefer reading… Continue Reading…

Every Wednesday we celebrate real life stories of followers of Jesus that are impacting (not escaping) culture.  Today we hear from college student Zach Hunter- the author of three books, Be the Change, Generation Change, and Lose Your Cool.

He is 20 years old and a powerful (yet humble) voice in a new generation of activists who are putting their faith into action to address some of the most serious problems facing the world today. We are honored to feature him this week. Enjoy. #LiveFully

Don’t forget, we are giving away 10 #LiveFully shirts and 50 stickers this week, so enter to win here.  We love your feedback, so share your comments- building this community can only happen together. To learn more about Zach Hunter, check out his blog, Twitter, or Facebook.

Every Wednesday #LiveFully celebrates the real life stories of followers of Jesus impacting (not escaping) culture. This week we interview Furman soccer standout Walker Zimmerman, who is a member of the US National soccer team, and on a track to play professionally.

In this interview you will hear how Walker integrates his faith in Christ with his passion for soccer, as well as his dreams and goals for the next 5 years. He is a great young man and an incredible soccer talent. For more on Walker, check out his blog:


Linsanity Chrisitianity

Brian Burchik —  March 7, 2012

Perhaps you have noticed that several professional athletes have recently emerged as authentic, confident followers of Jesus. The most obvious example is Tim Tebow, and there has been a ripple effect with others following like the New York Knicks Jeremy Lin.

These athletes are inspiring countless others at every level to live out their callings as Christ followers in the sports where God has gifted them. We believe this is only the beginning, and many more athletes will continue to impact culture by competing successfully and living lives of integrity and purpose.

Take 2 minutes to check out this clip of Jeremy Lin sharing where his identity is found. It’s powerful. (Just disregard the background music, can be a little cheezy at points).

Do you think these athletes are just the rare exceptions, or the pioneers of a powerful new wave of Christ-following athletes? Who are some other successful athletes that follow Jesus? Where do you believe God has called you? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Burning Qur’ans and Bridges

Brian Burchik —  February 29, 2012

God Is Angry
Tragically, the majority of the “Christian” stories reported in popular media wrongly represent Jesus and his followers.  Whether it’s a church threatening to burn Qur’ans or a crazy man predicting the Apocalypse, the stuff that gets the most buzz is the most negative.

#LiveFully knows that there are many Jesus followers doing incredible things that contribute to culture and make a difference in the world.  We are convinced that a shift is happening and that God is interested in changing the way His people are represented in society.  The vision of #LiveFully is “to positively change the way followers of Jesus are perceived in mainstream cultures of the world.”

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