The film “Up” has one of my favorite quotes: “Adventure is out there!”
My wife and I recently moved to New Zealand on a quest for adventure. I had lived my entire life in Atlanta, Georgia. While it was a lovely place to live, we wanted to do something different and out of the ordinary. Heading to a new country on the complete opposite side of the world may have been a bit drastic, but New Zealand is full of beaches, mountains, glaciers, fiordes, rivers, sounds, volcanoes, and more.
Our epic adventure was practically guaranteed.
Then, Disappointment
After being here for a few weeks, however, I felt disappointed. We had made some great friends and the job hunt was going well, but adventure seemed to elude us. I expected every day in this country to feel like something out of The Hobbit, and yet our biggest thrill had been a simple bike ride through the park.
And then something life changing dawned on me:
No matter how exotic the location of your home, you still need to walk out the front door if you hope to find adventure. Continue Reading…