*All this week we’re sharing #LiveFully thoughts and stories from writers around the web. Today we here from Joe Poe, a production intern living in Austin, TX and working for Global Short Film Network (a ministry of Cru). You can check out his blog or twitter if you want to connect with this movie buff.
It’s a Saturday evening and my whole family is sitting around the TV watching a movie dad rented. Each of us sits in our own designated seats that have been assigned to us over the years through repetition. In our hands lie plates full of those scrumptious treats that clog our arteries on the way down to our stomachs: pizza rolls, Bagel Bites, chicken wings, buttery popcorn (with a double dose of butter of course).
On this typical night, the movie playing may or may not be one any of us has even heard of. Dad has an uncanny ability to pick the most random movies out there. Trust me; I have seen my fair share of B-movies over the years. Continue Reading…