Archives For new zealand

Our move to New Zealand has taught me many lessons on a deeper level. For instance, I used to think I knew what it meant to trust God, but now I actually have to trust Him. Recently, God has been showing me the incredible importance and power of prayer.

We have now been here for about 8 weeks. In that time, we have both found jobs, bought a car, been welcomed into incredible community, moved into a house, turned it into a home, and were even given a free second vehicle. I’m not saying this to brag about ourselves, but to point out the incredible faithfulness of God. Because really, all that should have been impossible in so short a time. Continue Reading…

A few years ago I went bungee jumping. It was pretty awesome.

Before I made the jump, I sat on the sidelines listening to a friend, Amy, have a conversation with a bungee employee. She said, “is this really safe?”

He replied, “Of course! In 20 years we haven’t had any deaths or serious injuries.”

Meanwhile, I was busy scoffing on the sidelines. “Of course it is safe! How else could they run a successful business if it wasn’t safe?”

It was easy to trust in the bungee from the sidelines. I had nothing to lose! But then it was my turn…

I walked to the edge of the bridge. The river suddenly seemed way too far away. My head began to spin, and maybe it was just my legs shaking, but I’m pretty sure the canyon started shifting. Amy’s question suddenly made a lot of sense! Continue Reading…