*All this week we’re sharing #LiveFully thoughts and stories from writers around the web. Today we here from Joe Poe, a production intern living in Austin, TX and working for Global Short Film Network (a ministry of Cru). You can check out his blog or twitter if you want to connect with this movie buff. 

It’s a Saturday evening and my whole family is sitting around the TV watching a movie dad rented. Each of us sits in our own designated seats that have been assigned to us over the years through repetition. In our hands lie plates full of those scrumptious treats that clog our arteries on the way down to our stomachs: pizza rolls, Bagel Bites, chicken wings, buttery popcorn (with a double dose of butter of course).

Great film quotes

On this typical night, the movie playing may or may not be one any of us has even heard of. Dad has an uncanny ability to pick the most random movies out there. Trust me; I have seen my fair share of B-movies over the years. Continue Reading…

All this week we’re sharing #LiveFully thoughts and stories from writers around the web. Today we hear from Steve Goble, a certified Coach, Teacher, & Speaker with the John Maxwell Team. He partners with you to find solutions to problems, accomplish your goals, and achieve your dreams. Find him: Email | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook.

Think about a roller coaster. You have ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes roller coasters go from 0-60 almost instantly and other times there is a slow climb before the initial speed picks up. Then, without warning, the roller coaster might come to a grinding halt.

Imagine yourself in the line for the roller coaster. Think about your feelings in that moment. You want to get on the ride, but you’re afraid. You experience fear and trepidation about what the coaster may be like. During the ride, you might scream from joy or fear. You might hang on so tightly to the safety bar that you begin to pray for your safety! Continue Reading…

*All this week we’re hearing stories and thoughts on #LiveFully from others around the web. Our post today comes from Joshua Wold, a web designer and writer you can find at JoshuaWold.com. He loves Jesus, loves his wife, and is an all around cool dude. Check out his blog and twitter! If you’re here visiting from Joshua’s blog, WELCOME!

It was February of 2010. My wife and I had just returned from teaching an evangelistic seminar in rural India. We went with Share Him, an organization that teaches lay people how to share the gospel.

The seminar went extremely well, but I had a problem. For months I had been struggling with a decision. Should I continue working in the marketplace, or go into full-time mission work? On the one hand I was part of a web development company with a lot of potential for growth.  On the other hand I felt a desire to preach and share Christ with others.

Continue Reading…

The Village By the Sea

Evan Forester —  August 6, 2012

*All this week we’re sharing #LiveFully thoughts and stories from writers around the web. Today’s post comes from Becky Smith, an excellent blogger over at Smithellaneous, where the glass is perpetually (almost) always (usually) at least half full. She has some incredible wisdom, she survived cancer, and she lives fully. We’re excited for her to share with us today, and don’t forget to check out her blog! If you’re visiting here from Becky’s blog, WELCOME!

I admit it.

Sometimes I feel just a wee bit jealous of people I follow on Facebook. They live such impressively full lives.  They fly to conferences in Vegas, they attend concerts at the Ryman, they go on vacation to Ireland.

They host parties that are peopled with an eclectic, elegant blend of writers and artists, movers and shakers.  They hob nob with people who are accomplished in their field and it appears that even their children and their pets live breathless lives of unadulterated fascinations. Continue Reading…

U.S. gymnast Gabby Douglas has captured the hearts of millions of people  with her high flying routines, intense focus, and huge smiles. Yesterday she made history as the first African American gold medalist in gymnastics.  In these moments when the entire world is looking at her, she has consistently pointed to another.

Throughout her journey in these 2012 games, Gabby has displayed an honest and sincere faith in Jesus Christ.  When asked how she handles the pressure, she shared her “secret” was meditating on verses from the Bible.  Before competing for the all-around gold, she tweeted “Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.” She describes herself on Twitter, saying “[I] Love my family, dogs & most importantly God.” Continue Reading…

In life we begin as infants, physically and emotionally, then children, adolescents, and eventually adults. There is a maturity, physically and emotionally, that should happen along the way.

The Bible uses the same language to describe the process of spiritual maturity.  When a person lifts their hands of faith to receive God’s forgiveness and freedom, they are born a spiritual baby.  Yet, there should be continual maturing, all the way to spiritual adulthood.

A few years ago, I sat under the teaching of author/speaker Walt Mueller, and he offered three different “phases” of parenting.  Here they are:

1) Think “for” your child

2) Think “with” your adolescent

3) Let them think “for themselves” Continue Reading…

The fruit of the Spirit is very appealing. Seriously though, who wouldn’t want to demonstrate these qualities?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22-23

They all sound wonderful. The world is obsessed with love, joy is always a great thing to have, and the call for peace has won beauty pageants for decades. The list could go on, but how do we experience that elusive fruit? Continue Reading…

It is one week after the horrendous shooting in Aurora, Colorado.  Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know a twenty-four year old man unloaded on innocent movie-goers during the premier of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.  He shot and killed twelve and injured 59.

The last thing I want is to appear insensitive to those most deeply affected by this tragedy.  I cannot imagine the pain and grief, and this post is not meant to imply that anyone should fast forward through that grieving process.

In the wake of tragedy the most raw human emotions and thoughts push to the surface.  We also questions life and all we typically take for granted.  This “Batman shooting” is no different, and here are 3 things it reveals:

1) There is real evil in the world – after something like Aurora, it seems ridiculously obvious to state this, but the most “sophisticated” voices in culture today do not share this belief.  To make a moral judgment is to claim some kind of “universal truth” and this does not exist.

People say “What’s wrong for me might not be wrong for him” –  yet no one thinks this way when faced with events like Aurora.  There is no debate, this act of violence was evil, and deep down we all know it. Continue Reading…

For many Christians and non-Christians alike, the “Good News” of the Bible is a message of individual people receiving forgiveness and the promise of eternal life through faith in Jesus.  Certainly that’s a part of it, but check out how biblical writer Paul describes the Good News…

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” (Colossians 1:19-20)

Paul casts a vision for a reconciliation of everything, with both the physical and spiritual realms brought together in unity through the blood of Jesus.  This is nothing short of a cosmic redemption. Continue Reading…

A few years ago I went bungee jumping. It was pretty awesome.

Before I made the jump, I sat on the sidelines listening to a friend, Amy, have a conversation with a bungee employee. She said, “is this really safe?”

He replied, “Of course! In 20 years we haven’t had any deaths or serious injuries.”

Meanwhile, I was busy scoffing on the sidelines. “Of course it is safe! How else could they run a successful business if it wasn’t safe?”

It was easy to trust in the bungee from the sidelines. I had nothing to lose! But then it was my turn…

I walked to the edge of the bridge. The river suddenly seemed way too far away. My head began to spin, and maybe it was just my legs shaking, but I’m pretty sure the canyon started shifting. Amy’s question suddenly made a lot of sense! Continue Reading…