We’ve got 4 great videos from around the web today. Some of them have been tweeted, but we wanted to share them here and add a couple of quick thoughts for each one.

1) Old Man in Nursing Home reacts to music: Music is certainly part of the full life. If you’ve ever wondered why people sing during church, this video explains it perfectly. And it was not even trying to…

2) “Bullseye”: We often talk about the importance of doing things with “Christian” themes well. It drives us crazy when someone makes a film or song, adds a Christian theme, and then thinks something to this effect: “other Christians will watch this because of the message. Therefore I don’t have to make it as high quality.” Continue Reading…

#Stories: Paige Knudsen

Evan Forester —  April 25, 2012

Today we would like you to meet Paige Knudsen. I first heard her story 2.5 years ago, and the wisdom and faith and hope in the Lord she demonstrated astounded me.

As we’ve said before, to #LiveFully does not mean everything goes perfect in your life. But it does mean that God is with us, both through the trials and the triumphs. There is peace that comes from His presence that transcends all understanding.

I don’t want to give away too much, but when Paige was pregnant with her third child, her husband was diagnosed with very aggressive cancer that took his life 9 months later. Through everything, she clung to God’s promises. Over the years, she has seen God’s provision in incredible ways and the story has a “happy ending,” but you would rather here the whole thing from her. Watch this:

My favorite line? Easy: “The same God that was with me and rejoiced with me on the day when I was a bride to Dan, was that exact same God that was with me and beside me when I was a widow at Greg’s graveside.”

So awesome. #LiveFully.

Paige has an excellent blog that you need to check out right here. It’s full of wisdom, great pictures, and “simple thoughts” that are surprisingly deep.

Teal is the official color of #LiveFully.  Besides for being a nice color, it’s very significant to the purpose of the #LiveFully project.  There is a lot of theology packed into it. Seriously.

As you know, teal is a blend of the colors blue and green (welcome back to Kindergarten).  Because it’s the color of the sky, blue often symbolizes the heavens.  Green, on the other hand, symbolizes the earth (no explanation necessary).  Put them together, you have teal – or symbolically, the unity of Heaven and Earth.

#LiveFully seeks to rediscover a Christian spirituality that integrates into all of physical life on the earth.  Just like Jesus prayed that God’s will be done “on earth as it is in heaven,” we believe that biblical Christianity is not about escaping the physical earth to go to spiritual heaven.

Instead, Christians are called to engage in God’s project of redemption on the earth today, as they eagerly await the second coming of Jesus and the New Heaven and New Earth, when God will make all things new (Revelation 21:1-7) . Continue Reading…

This past week, I had the privilege of attending the Q Conference in Washington D.C.  If you are unfamiliar with the event, I highly encourage you to check out their site here.  In the course of 2 days, I heard from 30 presenters sharing their innovative ideas and stories of how followers of Christ are engaging various channels of culture in redemptive ways.

All of the presenters did an excellent job challenging the participants to think counter-culturally about a spectrum of important subjects. On a personal level there was one message that struck my heart more than the rest, and it’s a bit odd – Live almost Amish. Continue Reading…

#Stories: Bryan Allain

Evan Forester —  April 18, 2012

Today we introduce you to Bryan Allain. The man is a blogging genius. First off, he has a hilarious humor blog that involves living with the Amish and great series like “Proof of my own idiocy” and the best “Caption Please” posts you’ve ever seen. Secondly, he has a blog writers training and community site called My Killer Tribes. There he helps people find their voice and build a “killer tribe” so that they can make a deeper difference in the world. Lastly, he wrote the funniest guide to blogging ever and you should read it.

Here is the audio from our interview, and you should definitely listen to it. But if you hate audio, you can read the highlights of what he said below:


Here at #LiveFully we talk about how important community is for making a difference. What is a “tribe” and how why is it so important? Continue Reading…

In starting #LiveFully and writing more, I have been confronted with fears, doubts, and anxieties along the way. My assumption is that many artists and creatives deal with similar emotions as they seek to create art. As silly as it sounds, just posting a blog online can bring a bit of self doubt, as you become vulnerable to the critique of others. Thoughts pop up like, “No one cares what you are trying to say” or “there are way more gifted people who can say this better”.

In these months of creating, I’ve felt kind of like a hamster on a wheel, spinning around the same 4 step cycle over and over again. The breakdown in the analogy is that the process is moving forward, unlike the wheels that stay stationary. Perhaps it’s more like being a hamster in one of those clear plastic balls. The cycles are constant, but there is productive, creative movement forward.

Here are 4 steps in this creative cycle:

1. Inspiration – whether it’s during a run, sitting on the toilet, or driving somewhere, the inspiration comes. All human beings have creative potential because all human beings are made in the likeness of the ultimate creative- God the Creator of all. Beyond that, all followers of Christ are empowered with the very Spirit of God, which reveals thoughts of God and inspires with ideas from God. (1 Cor. 2.10-12) Continue Reading…

I always dreamed of being a professional athlete as a kid. It seemed like they had it all! They played for a job, made an absurd amount of money, had a really nice break for offseason, and travelled for free. If we’re honest, most of us look at professional athletes and think they have a truly full life.

My Dream Job

This week, however, we’ve seen that this is not always the case. For every Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, and Bubba Watson, it seems like there is an exponentially larger number of scandals amongst other athletes and coaches. Continue Reading…

A few weeks before proposing to my wife, I skipped class at UGA to meet with her Dad over lunch at a local Chili’s. I wanted his blessing in marrying his daughter, and somehow convinced him I deserved it. During our conversation, however, he told me a story and gave me a challenge that will stick with me forever.

Paul and Marge on their way to some hot springs

My wife’s grandparents, Paul and Marge, were married in their late teens. Just a few years into marriage, Marge contracted polio. We don’t worry much about polio anymore, but back then it was a terrifying disease. She was put into isolation and spent significant time in an iron lung. As a result of polio, Marge would never walk again. Continue Reading…

Every month we’ll be hosting a new contest here at #LiveFully. This month is going to be a lot of fun, and winning is completely up to you. Whoever competes the best, will win!

The prize for this contest is a free #LiveFully Sticker. To win, you simply have to be the top fan of our facebook page.  How do you become the top fan? Easy. First, visit our page and make sure you have liked it already. Then, click on the top fans to see how you are doing.

Whoever has the most points at the end of April will be the top fan and win a free sticker! You earn points by posting, commenting, or liking our posts on the facebook page. Each like, comment, and post is worth one point. Just so you know, points usually take a day to post, so don’t freak out if they aren’t there right after you like something.

So there you have it! Visit our facebook page, write a post, like or comment on as much as you like, and may the top fan win.

The first half of the vision for #LiveFully is “to unite a global community that believes following Jesus is the most full life.”  Before anything else, we view Christians coming together in unity as first priority because Jesus himself held it in such priority. In his prayer to God the Father on behalf of future believers, Jesus said,

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.” John 17:22

Bather Cools Off At Havasu Falls. Owned By the National Park Service (Though It Is on the Havasupai Reservation) This Natural Pool Is Used Heavily By Tourists

History has taught that the way to reach this unity is not by all Christians coming into perfect agreement over extensive doctrinal statements.  We are not all going to agree on what it means to be “baptized in the Holy Spirit” or whether or not God’s sovereignty means there is a “double predestination.” If we are waiting for this kind of unity then we are waiting for a moment that is not going to come, at least not in this present age. Continue Reading…