A.W. Tozer says, “The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they may delight in His Presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself in the core and center of their hearts.”

The Bible claims to be the very Word of God and Living and Active. If you believe that, then why wouldn’t you want to read it everyday?

Seriously! We should let nothing hold us back from God’s presence.

This post is intentionally short, why not spend the extra time reading the Bible? Need direction? Try starting one of my favorite books: John.

What is your favorite book of the Bible? We look forward to your answers in the comments…

#Interview: Jason Young

Brian Burchik —  October 29, 2012

Today, we’d like for you to meet our friend Jason Young. Jason is not only a successful entrepreneur, but an incredible husband and father.  I (Brian) have looked to Jason for wisdom and coaching over the last several years, and God has used him to breathe courage into me like few ever have. Enjoy!

#LF: What do you believe your purpose is?

I believe that my purpose is to equip influencers (leaders). This can take on different appearances, but at the end of the day I want to have equipped influencers. I look at purpose like a filter. If I have an idea or opportunity and it doesn’t make it through the filter, I know that it is not for me. Here are three examples of how I am living out my purpose right now:

(1) I am coaching a leader how to create remarkable experiences in their large church.

(2) I spoke to several thousand college students last week about how to increase their influence by deciding how they are influenced.

(3) I partnered with a popular and respectable publishing company in order to crowd source conference notes, and make them immediately available in a blog post format and all speaker sessions in a single free PDF download.

#LF: How are you working to impact your sphere of influence?

I have always worked through relationships. More specifically, I discover channels that people find important and work hard to add value there. Why this approach? If they already pay attention to those self-identified channels, why would I not begin where they already find value?

I often like to surprise and delight leaders in my sphere of influence. People are accustomed to the day-in and day-out routine of life. So, when a surprise meets them in the middle of their day, you would be amazed at how this can be a microburst of impact. I find many leaders today want to impact their space with notable moves and sensation-worthy attention. I find the opposite to be more my style and, to me, more deeply valued. Continue Reading…

We want to see your #LiveFully shirt. With you in it.

If you have a #LiveFully shirt, then send us a picture with you wearing it. Include the location where your image was taken, and we’re going to create a new page with a #LiveFully map and every picture of people wearing their shirt around the world.

Your picture doesn’t have to be pretty, here is my example:

The key is to look happy, or crazy, or goofy, or dashing. I managed to do everything at once – except for the dashing part. If you have a photo with your shirt already, send it to [email protected]. Exotic locations are encouraged, but your home town is also great.

If you don’t have a shirt yet, you can purchase one for $15 in our store. Shipping is free, which is pretty awesome.

This project is ongoing. If you send in a picture this week and take a better one next year, then send it in! We’ll keep your best photo live, and we hope to see these shirts all over the world. Right now, our map is a bit bare, so please send your photos in ASAP!

View #LiveFully Shirts in a full screen map

Today we interview Christine Niles. She is a writer and corporate refugee with a heart for orphans, and a mother of two girls adopted from Ukraine at ages 12 and 14.  She is also the author of “The Secret No One Tells You: a manifesto for the discouraged.”  Christine blogs about adoption, parenting, and making a difference in the world at www.riverofthoughts.com.  Follow her on Twitter @croyseniles.

#LF: Why are you so passionate about adoption?

The “right” answer is because God calls us to be, but the honest answer is simply because we’ve learned through personal experience how amazing a “written off” kid can be and how God makes beauty out of pain. The idea of a child’s potential being lost because I wouldn’t step out from my comfortable little life and open up my home and my heart?  Unacceptable.

#LF: What made you move from thinking about adoption to actually living it and doing it?

A scared little 12-year-old girl named Masha. We were busy enjoying our “dual income no kids” life of freedom and fun when we heard about a hosting program that brought kids (some adoptable, some not) to the US to stay with families and experience a little hope and love. Over the three weeks that we hosted her, she blossomed from a timid, scared girl to a vivacious, fun-loving kid.  She taught us about love in a way we never could have imagined on our own. Continue Reading…

Bend It Like Bonhoeffer

Brian Burchik —  October 22, 2012

I’m not sure there is a book that has inspired and challenged me more deeply than the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer written by Eric Metaxas.  The life of this German theologian and pastor is better than the movies, and I am still holding tightly to the rumor that a film will be coming in the future.

As I heard one university professor say, there has recently been a “Bonhoeffer awakening.”  Many Christians, young and old, are taking a fresh interest in his life, devouring his books (i.e. The Cost of Discipleship, Life Together), and even forming groups to practice the communal disciplines he prescribed.

Of course his life was fascinating. One can’t help but be curious about a Christian pastor who also happened to be a double agent in a plot to assassinate Adolph Hitler. Regardless of one’s religious convictions, you have to respect a man that ultimately died for his specific spiritual devotion.

Despite the epic nature of Bonhoeffer’s life, I do not think these are the primary reasons for the “awakening” that has occurred over the last few years.  I believe God himself is stoking this fire because today’s Jesus followers have specific things to learn from it. Here are just three  of many things we can take away.

Three ways we can learn from Bonhoeffer’s life today:

1. Be Radically devoted to daily study and practice of God’s Word – he worked right through the Scriptures, consistently. Nothing fancy, no “just-open-and-see-where-your-finger-lands”- He was committed to a methodical, consistent study through books of the Bible. Bonhoeffer’s commitment to spiritual disciplines challenges Christians to not settle for a “pie-in-the-sky” faith that doesn’t translate into real action in the real world. Continue Reading…

As you’ve read before, my wife Morgan and I recently moved to New Zealand. Consider this the full account of the miraculous work God did to get us here smoothly.

Prayer Proceeds Miracles

We dreamed of moving here for years. The more we talked about it, the more we wanted to go. Eventually, we decided we needed to do more than talk about it, so we began to pray. And we did. Every single day.

The Banks Peninsula

We prayed for two years. We prayed for wisdom, we prayed for provision, we prayed for doors to open, and we prayed that God would guide our hearts in the right direction.

The more we prayed, the more our hearts gravitated towards New Zealand. Doors started to open and connections came about in the most unlikely places imaginable. We made our decision and on July 3, we boarded a plane and started the 31 hour journey to our new home. Continue Reading…

Theologian Abraham Kuyper said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, “Mine!” This quote communicates the heart of the #LiveFully conviction that “the redemption of Jesus transforms every area of personal life and positively impacts every channel of cultural life.”

To simply define “personal life” and “cultural life,” here are the 7 broad categories for each.  We believe the “full life” (John 10:10) that Jesus invites people into is an integrated spirituality that fills all seven areas of one’s personal life.  Then, together as a community, Christians are called to impact the 7 different channels of cultural life.

These 7 categories are displayed as a “dresser” (or at least my failed attempt at a dresser) because our lives often feel fragmented and disconnected like various drawers in a dresser.  Yet this holistic approach understands biblical spirituality not as just one of many drawers to manage but rather the dresser itself – a life with God that fills every area (or drawer) of life.

As Christians discover and live this kind of life, I believe they will begin to also gain clarity about their unique calling to impact the world in which they live.  The seven different channels of culture are not meant to be an all encompassing list of vocations and professions, but they provide a starting point for imagining where and how God is calling one to impact the world. Continue Reading…

Awhile back, we shared a video about Caine’s Arcade. It was truly an inspiring story, and today, we present part 2:

This is a great example of someone who had a dream. Caine was passionate about arcades. Despite the incredible amount of limitations (his age, lack of resources, zero support from friends, no marketing budget), he found a way to make his dream a reality.

Not only that, as we see in the second film, he is inspiring people all over the world.

So the question today is, if a 9 year old kid can achieve his dreams with some creativity and cardboard, what’s holding you back?

Why not just get out there and do it! You never know what can be achieved and who you’ll inspire.  Why not “attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to fail unless God is in it“?


Learn more about Caine and the Global Cardboard Challenge.

My first semester of college was miserable.  I couldn’t sleep. Literally, I did not fall asleep before 5 a.m. my entire fall term. I tossed and turned and tossed and turned, unable to shake a mysterious inner anxiety.  The only thing worse than not sleeping was not knowing WHY I was so discontent.

There was a diverse group of guys on my hall.  Some smoked pot daily inside their dorm rooms.  Others went downtown to get drunk and meet girls just about every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. A few others stayed intensely focused on school and lived in the library.

As different as these hall mates were, they all shared one important quality: they were way happier than me! I was emotionally depressed- full of anxiety, insecurity, and sleepless nights.  I envied their carefree attitude and confidence that they were living the best life. All I could do was doubt. “Maybe following Jesus isn’t really the best way to live?” “Maybe it’s not worth it?” Continue Reading…

We really want to see our readers enjoy a more full and satisfying life. If that isn’t happening, we’ve failed. While ultimately, the Full Life boils down to doing one thing, there are many practical outcomes of living in relationship with Christ. Here are 9 simple ways you can enjoy a more satisfying life.

1) Get Outdoors More

I love technology, but it can be so stinking distracting. Getting outside, whether for thirty minutes in the park or 3 days in the mountains, really helps clear my mind to focus on what is important. It also reminds me how huge God is and how tiny I am. Fresh air does good things for the soul, so get outside!

A great place to spend the weekend

2) Actually Call People

Texting, e-mail, and facebook are all great. They help us stay connected better than ever before. But none of them can replace an actual conversation. Try scrolling through your phone contacts list and calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a few months. If you’re afraid of drowning in small talk, call them with some questions in mind. For instance, “Have you done any travelling lately?” or “What are you learning at school/working on at work?” It is remarkably easy, and far more satisfying than poking someone on facebook. Continue Reading…